
PatCat (Pattern Catalog) is a web catalog of business patterns applied in real cases of e-government.
Check the Live project and Github code
The system is a Django web application that is deployed in AWS lambdas using Zappa. The application contains an SQLite in-memory database that obtains its data from a JSON file. The file is stored in an S3 bucket, and through the use of signals, it updates the file when a change in the database state occurs.
This architecture was chosen in the context of an application that will be used mostly for queries and will have a single administrator at any one time. This application requires a small database with public data.
Advantages of the architecture:
- Cost: Based on the expected usage, the application can run indefinitely on AWS’s free layer.
- Modularity: The data persistence mechanism can be modified at any time by removing the memoryDB application and configuring the new database from the settings file.
- Scalability: Because the application is deployed in AWS lambdas, it can scale automatically to provide services to an unlimited number of users.
Disadvantages of the architecture:
- Performance: Loading data into the memory database adds processing overhead that can decrease application response time.
- Data scalability: The persistence mechanism is not suitable for large amounts of data.
Admin section
This section that allows an administrator to register all the data of the pattern catalog
Researcher section
This section allows a researcher to search for business patterns that fit the problem they are dealing with.
Manages the application models and their modification by an administrator.
Data models
Data models
This module allows the application to manage a database in memory, making a single query to the real database, which is a file stored in an AWS S3
Install python 3.9 (for linux)
sudo apt update
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt install python3.9
sudo apt install python3.9-venv
Create virtual environment
python3.9 -m venv venv
Install libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Generating the docs
python graph_models -o docs/patterns_models.png
To test the application run the script
Deploy Django App as AWS Lambda
Collect the static files and place them in the S3.
python collectstatic
Deploy lambda with Zappa
zappa init
zappa deploy
zappa update